  welcome to
my world!
Ph43r For Your Lives, All Ye Who Click The Flaming 'O'!
 Thoughts of the Day        * not guaranteed to be every day 
2013-04-06Rogert Ebert Dies at 70: A Loss for the WorldWe're all mortal, and should get used to these things at some point. But the wor...
2011-03-02Make the shipping container into the case!It's been a while, but here's something super-cool I thought I'd add here.. "...
2009-07-07The Bees!Whew, the bees appear to be saved.. (!) ScienceDaily (Apr. 14, 2009) — For th...
2008-06-02Randolph teens sure do drink upAll I've got is "Wow. Way to go, Randolph".. Heh. Dover, Vt. Police Chief Ro...
2008-01-18Vision Overlay!Thanks for the link, Jer.. This is something I've been waiting to happen for _y...
full entry list...
 What's New? 
home : 2006-03-27 : Long story short: my hosting company died unexpectedly in September and I was waiting for the off-chance that they'd rise again. They haven't, so I sucked it up, recovered what data I could, and rebuilt my site on a new server. Bigosoft.com should be back at some point, but for now I'm content to use goldshlack.net as my homepage until I've totally given up on my old host.
quick : 2005-05-02 : Well, it's been a long run, but since Largo left the story is just bleh. MegaTokyo, one of the first webcomics I'd ever read, is no longer enjoyable and is now gone from my lineup. Welcome, Checkerboard Nightmare!
quick : 2005-03-04 : Please don't rely on this "What's New?" section to faithfully represent what is actually new. I often make changes without noting them here, such as adding pictures! This time, however, I have removed Truenuff and put in VG Cats. Sites that update = fun!
: Notifications :  
guestbook : 2001-05-09 : I actually made my own guestbook, so I got rid of my old Lycos one! Go sign it if you haven't!
quick : 2001-02-06 : Check out the "Visit My Friends" section; if you're a friend that's left out, let me know!
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 "All Dan, All The Time" 
Welcome to my homepage on the web!

To be honest, I've always had high aspirations for my website, but to be honest yet again, I just don't have the time to keep it anything remotely resembling "updated". I use this site all the time to keep things organized and accessible from any comp, so I've made it useful to me; if you happen to find it useful, then more power to ya.


If you happen to be looking to hire me, check out my resume by following this link.

Here's the webpages for some of my classes from yon days of old, immortalized in the quixoticisity of the internet.
If such a concept (or word) existed.
ECE216Spring 2000 Software Engineering: we chose a project to practice the soft. eng. methods we studied in class.
ECE251Fall 2000 Senior Project: we got to choose our own project, and implement it as much as possible. (Andrew made the web port)
CSC332Spring 2001 Multimedia Design and Development: somewhat similar to software engineering, we got to choose an educational project to develop.
CSC498Spring 2001 Virtual Environments: we studied publications in the field of VE, and had 2 projects to develop.
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 Blah, Blah, Blah 
All pages in Dan's World are copyright 1998-2024 me.
Don't even try to get the php, because it just doesn't work that way, trust me.

This site better be viewed at 1024x768 and 16-bit color, or higher. And on a flatscreen monitor.
All Pages in Dan's World © 1996-2024 Daniel Goldshlack
[Document last modified: Jun.08.2021 :: 10:44:05am EST]